David King Udall and Ella Stewart Udall

David King Udall and Ella Stewart Udall, A Love Story Intertwined with Their Resolve to “Seek First the Kingdom of God.” Four Stories from David K.’s Autobiography: Marriage and Mission, A Unique Family Business Partnership ‘Founded on the Feeling of...

Levi Stewart Memorial and Other Kanab Monuments

Levi Stewart Memorial and Other Kanab Monuments by Margery Boyden, Scudder Association Foundation Historian, for Scudder Association Foundation © 2021 All rights reserved  On this 20-year anniversary of the Levi Stewart Memorial Park in Kanab, Utah, the Scudder Family...

Jawadhi Hills Thank You

Thank you for your support To those who have provided support, we thank you.  We reached our matching gift challenge of $20,000 but it’s not over yet! We are still accepting donations until Christmas. After Ida Scudder bore witness to the deaths of three...